
These are the papers that were reviewed in the scoping study. Click on the title to access the paper. You can click on the topics to filter the papers.

Topics TitleYear
"Enjoy, but Moderately!": Designing a Social Companion Robot for Social Engagement and Behavior Moderation in Solitary Drinking Context2023
Beyond the Command: Feminist STS Research and Critical Issues for the Design of Social Machines2021
Teachers' perspectives on social robots in education: an exploratory case study2020
Perceptions of Domestic Robots' Normative Behavior Across Cultures2019
The Ethical Risk of Attachment: How to Identify, Investigate and Predict Potential Ethical Risks in the Development of Social Companion Robots2016
Mixed-Method Long-Term Robot Usage: Older Adults' Lived Experience of Social Robots2022
The Use of Affective Care Robots Calls Forth Value-based Consideration2020
A General Methodology for Teaching Norms to Social Robots2020
Care Robot Transparency Isn't Enough for Trust2018
Accompany: Acceptable robotiCs COMPanions for AgeiNG Years — Multidimensional aspects of human-system interactions2013
Living with AI personal assistant: an ethical appraisal2023
"Using Justifications to Mitigate Loss in Human Trust when Robots Perform Norm - Violating and Deceptive Behaviors2023
Ethics 4.0: Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Mediated by Social Robots2023
The concept of social dignity as a yardstick to delimit ethical use of robotic assistance in the care of older persons2022
Ethical, Legal & Participatory Concerns in the Development of Human-Robot Interaction Lessons from Eight Research Projects with Social Robots in Real-World Scenarios2022
Older Adults’ Perspectives of Smart Technologies to Support Aging at Home: Insights from Five World Café Forums2022
Educational Robotics as a boundary object: Towards a research agenda2021
Moral considerations on social robots in education: A multi-stakeholder perspective2021
Can We Agree on What Robots Should be Allowed to Do? An Exercise in Rule Selection for Ethical Care Robots2020
The ethics of socially assistive robots in aged care. A focus group study with older adults in Flanders, Belgium2020
Can Robots Make us Better Humans?: Virtuous Robotics and the Good Life with Artificial Agents2021
Cybersecurity, value sensing robots for LGBTIQ+ elderly, and the need for revised codes of conduct2020
Embedding Ethics in the Design of Culturally Competent Socially Assistive Robots2018
Service robots: value co-creation and co-destruction in elderly care networks2018
Your robot therapist will see you now: Ethical implications of embodied artificial intelligence in psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy2019
Health care robotics: Qualitative exploration of key challenges and future directions2018
Ethical values and social care robots for older people: an international qualitative study2017
Social and Assistive Robotics in Dementia Care: Ethical Recommendations for Research and Practice2016
Should we welcome robot teachers?2016
Inclusion of service robots in the daily lives of frail older users: A step-by-step definition procedure on users′ requirements2018
Assistive technology design and development for acceptable robotics companions for ageing years2013
Ethical implications of using the Paro robot with a focus on dementia patient care2011
A method for integrating ethics into the design of robots2013
Kindergarten social assistive robot: First meeting and ethical issues2014
Granny and the robots: Ethical issues in robot care for the elderly2012
Ethical issues in robot care for the elderly: Dystopia or optimism?2010
Ethical considerations regarding the use of social robots in the fourth age2013
Technological risks and ethical implications of using robots in long-term care2022
Elders' Expectations and Experiences with a Companion-Type Social Robot: Ethical Implications2022
Confucianism and the Ethics of Social Robots in Eldercare2022
Are friends electric? The benefits and risks of human-robot relationships2021
Acceptable Social Robots in Education: A Value Sensitive Parent Perspective2020
Robots in Ageing Societies2017